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Debt recovery is an essential part of running any business and it can seriously affect your ability to function when clients refuse to pay your invoices. Recovering debts can be a time consuming and costly task. SNS Solicitors can ease this burden by providing as much or as little support as you require. You will always have someone you can rely on to assist with debt recovery as quickly and painlessly as possible.

We understand the pressures in the marketplace and we have complete transparency with regard to fees and charging rates. Our policy is to provide first letters (at an agreed, fixed rate) which is often all that is required to settle the matter.


We have extensive experience in dealing with both small and large claims and, if that first letter doesn't bring satisfactory results, we activate actions involving going to court and enforcing any subsequent judgements.


We will handle your case in a professional and civil manner so that important business relationships are given the opportunity to remain intact. All of our practitioners are qualified solicitors which means that you can rely on your claim being dealt with by a qualified lawyer, not something that can be made by a significant number of our competitors.


If you have continuing and volume debt recovery issues, we are also happy to consider entering in to a periodic retainer agreement so that you can be sure about the costs of debt recovery within your business and, more importantly, plan ahead with certainty.

Example pricing can be found here

©2017 SNS Solicitors is the trading name of SNS Group LLP (registered number OC400312) which is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, SRA number 623061. Denning House, 1 London Road Maidstone, Kent ME16 8HS

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