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SNS Solicitors offers comprehensive advice and representation in all areas of intellectual property rights and brand protection. We understand the sensitivities and complexities of intellectual property law and are experienced in assisting clients obtaining, protecting, exploiting and enforcing their intellectual property rights.

We can:


  • Advise you on how best to protect your intellectual property rights including trademarks, copyright, and designs

  • Assist and protect you if anyone is trying to use your intellectual property without your consent

  • Resolve disputes relating to trademark, copyright and designs

  • Resolution of domain name disputes

  • Litigate and enforce



We often find that clients approach us when they believe that their intellectual property rights are being infringed, only to discover that they have not previously protected the right which is now the subject of the infringement. We encourage all of our clients to take a pro-active approach to intellectual property and to contact us as early as possible so that we can take the necessary steps to ensure that their rights are as protected as the law allows, preferably when the business or project is being first set up.

Example pricing cane be found here

©2017 SNS Solicitors is the trading name of SNS Group LLP (registered number OC400312) which is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, SRA number 623061. Denning House, 1 London Road Maidstone, Kent ME16 8HS

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