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Litigation can be expensive and there are often alternative solutions which can provide a cheaper and more effective settlement of the dispute.

SNS Solicitors have extensive experience of successfully mediating settlements in even the most complex or strongly contested claims.


Alternative dispute resolution, in particular mediation, can allow disputes to be resolved at a much lower cost than traditional court proceedings Though mediation is not appropriate in all circumstances, we are always happy to discuss whether it would be a practical option in any given case, particularly as the Courts now expect the parties to make serious attempts to settle disputes.

Example pricing cane be found here

©2017 SNS Solicitors is the trading name of SNS Group LLP (registered number OC400312) which is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, SRA number 623061. Denning House, 1 London Road Maidstone, Kent ME16 8HS

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