Election Week

Since my theme this week in my Ten Top Tips to save on legal costs was Resolution, it seems appropriate to pause today and consider what Resolution are campaigning for, this election week.
Resolution is the Association of Family Justice Professionals (it was previously known as the Solicitors’ Family Law Association). One of the things Resolution does, is to campaign for fairer laws and legal processes for families. Leading up to this election, Resolution have been inviting candidates to commit to policies in the coming Parliament:
The re-introduction of no-fault divorce legislation
Legal protection for cohabiting couples on relationship breakdown or death of their partner
Re-introduction of the Domestic Abuse Bill for the protection of victims of domestic abuse in the family courts
Provision of adequate funding for early legal advice for separating couples
Resolution launched its Fairness for Families manifesto ahead of this general election. The no-fault divorce and the Domestic Abuse Bill legislation were introduced into Parliament prior to its being shut down in the autumn and so these items need to be back at the top of the agenda as soon as Parliament is back to business as usual. Keeping family justice on the parliamentary agenda is crucial if we are to advance and protect family life and fairness for families in the UK.
You can find the manifesto here.
If you wish to speak with Tanya or Richard, our specialist family law solicitors, in confidence, please contact us on tel 01622 23 88 54, or by email at info@snslaw.co.uk.