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Tanya’s ten top tips to help minimize your legal costs Top Tip 12 Explore your options.

This is the last of my costs-saving top tips for now, including the extra two in 2020. You can look back to see the previous posts in this series for future reference to help minimise your legal costs.

There are some things in family law that cannot be done without a solicitor. As your solicitors, we can take care of everything, if that is what is best for you, but we recognise that when funds are tight, it may be that you need to explore whether some pieces of work can be done yourself without the need for legal expertise. Recently the court service introduced online divorce applications which has made the process easier for applicants to apply for a divorce without legal advice.

It is strongly recommended that anyone going through a divorce gets at least some advice, to make sure that they understand the whole process and its effects, and to ensure that their rights are safeguarded and their responsibilities managed suitably for their situation. A divorce alone does not end all the claims against either party and so it is key to get some advice to make sure you know your situation, and find out what you can do about it.

That way, you can walk it alone when that’s best, and you can have help when the terrain is more difficult. And knowing which is which, is something we can help you with.

If you wish to speak with one of our specialist solicitors in confidence please contact us on tel 01622 23 88 54, or by email at If you wish to speak with Tanya or Richard, our family law solicitors based in Maidstone, you can call direct on 01622 23 88 54.

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